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Alexandria is an educational resource repository to facilitate authoring, sharing, discovery and publishing of high-quality, interactive, media-rich learning modules and eBooks. Icon was engaged by Monash University to overhaul the user experience and interface, and provide a new front-end code base.
The Alexandria interface needed to work well across desktop, tablets and mobiles; and the design needed to be simple, fluid, and focussed on content rather than a flashy interface. By using a sophisticated responsive grid and intuitive design language we were able to create a user experience that's easy to navigate and built for scale.
Alexandria's backend had already been built by Monash University's in-house team, and a beta product was already designed and in use. Rather than starting with a clean slate, our design team needed to build on the solid foundations already in place. Our challenge was to reimagine and redevelop a world-class user experience. Placing the end-user front-of-mind ensured every decision we made was based on need and function rather than form alone.
By working closely with Alexandria's management and developer teams we were able to translate their vision into a real-world outcome. The platform now has over 300 authors and 7,000 education modules and is being used by over 22,000 users to access high-quality, interactive, media-rich learning modules and eBooks.