This was originally published in Mumbrella.
The Alcohol and Drug Foundation has launched a new campaign targeting underage alcohol consumption in high school students, via Icon Agency.
Video created with help from Studio Poncho and We Love Jam Studios.
The Alcohol and Drug Foundation has launched a new campaign targeting underage alcohol consumption in high school students, via Icon Agency.
The Alcohol and Drug Foundation (ADF) has recently launched the “Keep Their Future Bright” campaign in response to the concerning trends in underage alcohol consumption amongst high school students, specifically 15 to 16-year-olds. A recent survey of 3,240 Year 10 students in SA and NSW revealed a worrying spike in early alcohol consumption, with one-third of the students admitting to drinking alcohol before the age of 13, and alcohol consumption in homes.
With 43% of teenage drinkers getting their alcohol from their parents, the campaign emphasises the risks associated with underage drinking and parental supply. The campaign’s goal is to change parents’ perceptions about underage drinking by highlighting the harmful effects of alcohol consumption at a young age, such as behavioural, social, and emotional problems, as well as the possibility of alcohol dependency in the future.
Partnering with Icon, the ADF aims to influence parents who have kids between the ages of 12 and 17 by using strong visuals and content that emphasise how crucial it is to protect teenage brain development from alcohol’s negative consequences.